Solar & Battery Application Please note: for the purposes of the AEMO DER register, the Tonsley distribution network is not part of the Grid.Installation Type* Solar installation without existing equipment Solar and battery installation without existing equipment Replacing an inverter Adding to or upgrading existing PV equipment Installer DetailsPGE/CEC Accreditation*Name/Company*Phone*Email* Installation DetailsNMI NumberMeter Number*Connection Type Single phase Three phase For single phase and three phase systems, CleanPeak Tonsley (the Distributor) enables a maximum PV inverter and battery inverter capacity of 1.5KWInstallation AddressUnitStreet No.*Street*Town/Suburb*State*SATASQLDVICNSWWAACTNTPostcode*Residential Customer DetailsFirst Name*Last Name*Phone*Email* Installation Equipment DetailsPlease specify all inverters that will be connected to the systemInverter*Inverter Type*Qty.*Total kW Rating*Are you installing batteries?* Yes No Battery Brand/ModelQuantityTotal Storage Capacity (kWh)Inverter to be connected to batteryTotal Generation Capacity (kW)Use the manufacturer specifications, to calculate the Total Generation Capacity. For example a solar installation with five 250W panels has a capacity of 1.25kWBrand of Panel*Quantity of Panels*Proposed Install Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Solar & Batteries Solar Power & Batteries Solar & Battery Application Solar Important Technical Information